Elliott's Music Mix Series: Furnishing the Cosmos

Today I bring you my latest mix which compiles music that was originally recorded on my podcast in roughly the month of May but a bit of April as well. These mixes are created for my patrons on Patreon but I thought it would be nice to share it on my podcast feed. The patrons get a higher quality FLAC download of this. 

There is one track in there that is technically unreleased called How to Disappear into the Thin Air. Other than this track all the music made here is done in some sort of improvisation for the podcast.

The name of this mix is a reference to Erik Satie who worked on "Furniture Music" which was essentially the muzak of his time. Those compositions were meant to be easy going and so accessible they could be played in the background of a furniture store while people went shopping.

I would like to think that this music can be put on in the background, and since I'm mostly playing guitar throughout all the pieces, that it's almost as if I am sitting in the corner playing for you.

If someone hired me to serenade their party, this is what I would ideally play. I wouldn't want people to focus on me with any sort of intensity like they do a traditional concert.

So in a way, this mix is almost like a prototype of a live show that I could one day play, even though it's stitched together over a few weeks of Elliott's Podcast.

Album photo of a Hong Kong apartment building by Aleksandar Pasaric on Pexels


Elliott Plays in Bickford Park


The Decisive Moment